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MARBLELIFE, Can You Mend My Stone-cold Heart?




Things just aren’t the same anymore — my relationship with my marble countertop is on the rocks. The love I once felt has lost its luster. I thought we’d be together forever, but the cracks are showing and there’s a stain on our relationship that I don’t think can ever be removed. Will our lifetime commitment end up dull and dreary?

Please help,

Melancholy Over Marble



Dear Melancholy,

Don’t despair! While things may seem hopeless, MARBLELIFE® is here to mend your broken heart and bring that “like new” glow back into your relationship. By the time we’re through, you’ll remember why you fell in love with your marble in the first place.


Revitalizing your relationship with your marble surface starts with getting rid of all the baggage that’s been dragging your countertop down. We’ll start with a good, thorough cleaning that penetrates deep into the stone’s pores to get at the heart of your problem. MARBLELIFE® Marble and Travertine Cleaner lifts out the dirt, grime and grease that builds up over time and restores the lustrous sheen that first caught your eye long ago.


Even the most committed relationships sometimes get worn down and dull. Acids from vinegar, tomatoes or citrus fruits, for example, can leave spots, rings and spill marks etched into the surface. And grit from overly abrasive cleaners can leave subtle scratches month after month, until one day you look at your counter and feel like you’re living with a stranger.


MARBLELIFE’s professional cleaning and polishing services and after-restoration products will restore the gleam in your eye when you see your marble renewed — and help you recapture the feelings you had when you first fell in love with your counter.


Cracks and chips are signs that you and your marble need a major intervention. MARBLELIFE® marble care professionals provide free, in-home counseling to evaluate your specific issues and can recommend a course of treatment to mend the rift. MARBLELIFE® has more than 30 years of experience saving relationships with marble countertops and flooring that seemed beyond repair. Want to surprise the spouse in the kitchen? Get the counters restored, and they will be sure to take notice. Our team does marvelous makeovers every day.


Good foundations make for good relationships, and marble is meant to last. If you treat your marble well, your love can last a lifetime. Reignite your love affair with your marble surfaces with a little marble therapy from MARBLELIFE!

Happy Valentine’s Day,





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