- Don’t just seal your grout – Colorseal your grout. Architects will tell you that 95% of their new building complaints about the floors center around “why is my grout staining, if the spec calls for you to seal the grout.” We know the answer. Colorseal was developed to address the root cause once and for all. This technology enables the installer and owner to visually see when the enough seal has been applied to truly seal the surface. Most families have seen stained grout, and have had a conversation as to who and what is the cause in the bathrooms. What surprises people is that its not the husband of the dog, but the acidic cleaners coupled with insufficient initial sealer, or acid damaged sealers that were the culprit. Once created as evidenced by stained grout, the floors need to be resealed. MARBLELIFE’s Colorseal allows you to restore that pristine clean of a new floor, but this time keep it.
- CLEAN – Clean periodically with a surfactant based cleaner to remove dirt and oils. Even a Colorsealed floor will get dirty and need to be cleaned. MARBLELIFE’s surfactant based cleaners make removal of oils and dirt amazingly easy. They are truly the best in the business, otherwise the hundreds of MARBLELIFE craftsman would be using something else to get in and out of jobs as rapidly as possible. MARBLELIFE’s TILE & GROUT CLEANER will maintain your floors appearance. If you already suffer from stained grout, consider MARBLELIFE’s MAXOUT Grout Cleaner formulated to emulsify and float dirt and oil out of porous grout. This is the next best thing, to ColorSealing and halting the porous stained grout problem forever.
- When cleaning change the bucket – You cant clean a floor with dirty water. All this does is accelerate the transfer of dirt from on top of the tile to the grout line. So when do you change the bucket? Try this little trick. Glue a quarter to the interior bottom of your mop bucket. When you can no longer see the quarter it is time to change the water. This is an excellent way to also monitor those responsible, as with a glance you can assess, with an agreed upon measure as to when its time to change. That said, with a Colorsealed floor you can just take a rag and some water and wipe away the dirt to reveal a clean surface – translation – dirty grout lines are addressed with training and cleaning as there is no longer staining.
- COLORSEAL – If grout lines become dull and dirty, either call MARBLELIFE to clean and Colorseal your tile, OR if already Colorsealed all you will ever need is a MARBLELIFE powerwash to restore a fresh new clean look to your grout (versus the stained appearance grout takes on today). We took the time to understand why grout stains, and then developed a solution that for the first time signals the property owner and the installer when the surface has been properly sealed. The results are amazing, beautiful and easy to maintain. Staining is a thing of the past, and best of all we can turn a room around in a day. An office tenant can go home and return to a bathroom that is brand new again. Like any magic, it is the application of science that delivers the results.
- If you want to update your floors appearance, consider MARBLELIFE’S Designer Grout Color service. In less than a day, we can change the color of your grout using our ColorSeal technology. Change the towels or the wall paper and adjust your grout to match. No dust, no need to remove grout, and assurances your surface will see years of beautiful service. You will redecorate before your grout color fails. Who wants to change the grout to black to hide the stains, when everyone knows that is what you are doing. Particularly when you can select a color that sets off the space, and makes cleaning a breeze.
- Want to Pop a Shine – If you want to pop a shine on matt tiles, MARBLELIFE can do that to with our TILELOK gloss glaze treatment. Tilelok imparts a non-slip surface with a gloss appearance that defies the normal belief that glossy floors have to be slippery by employing unique patented chemistry that offers a static coefficient of slip resistance recommended for safety. So you get shine and safety. Unlike waxes which scuff, mar, collect dirt, and must be stripped and re-applied, Tilelok will not scuff, will not mar, requires no buffing, and will last for years. We know we have already applied in in college bathrooms, hospital rooms, office bathrooms, and courthouses with years of beautiful results.
- Need Anti-Slip Traction Surface – Need to impart a traction surface in areas that see standing water, we can assist there to with our anti-skid media treatments which impact a high gloss finish, with a traction surface that can provide excellent slip resistance. Available without having to replace your tile.
- Grafitti problems – few have them – but when you do there is nothing worse than scrubbing only to see the ghost lines of the art left by your wayward artist. MARBLELIFE offers a permanent anti-grafitti application (versus a sacrificial scrub-away coating). All you have to do is install it BEFORE the graffiti happens. Unfortunately, most people realize their need after the first offense. Call and be sure.
- Clean floors – Healthy Home – Did you know that the new HEPA regulations require hospitals to provide a survey to their patience, in which one of the questions scored asks about the appearance of the grout lines? If a hospital cannot maintain clean grout lines, that means the dirt debris and bacteria were unable to be remove from the grout, and the room cannot be claimed to have been sterilized or disinfected. With hospitals battling an ongoing battle with secondary infections, which now represent the number 4 killers of Americans, it is not unexpected to see clean grout lines becoming a measure of interior health quality. MARBLELIFE has restored dozens of hospital tile and grout floors to Colorseal their grout lines to make them easier to clean and disinfect, and to TILELOK their tile in order to resist mold and mildew growth. Tilelok is an inorganic topical glaze upon which mold and mildew are unable to survive.
What was installed as a walk on surface, with some decorating aspects today can be restored to a clean new healthier surface though the implementation of ColorSeal technology coupled with appropriate cleaning materials and techniques. No one has to live with the ugliness and frustration of stained grout. Your natural survival instinct that tells you this is not good, is accurate. Most people’s sense as to who is the cause and why, is more often than not well off base. As such, Colorseal may also restore some family harmony. We promise not to tell him he wasn’t the cause.
Call MARBLELIFE at (888) 524-3372 or visit us online to secure your FREE ESTIMATE at www.MARBLELIFE.com or to www.MARBLELIFEPRODUCTS.com to secure the care products appropriate to your surface, and your desire for an easy effective cleaning solution.