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More UV Information – for those interested in learning more.
APPLICATIONS | Applications in use IMAGES |
In home Fish Aquariums use it to manage water cleanliness. |
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CPAP users use it in the form of the popular SoClean hands-free cleaning devices one sees advertise on TV to disinfect their night time breathing aids, instead of having to wash them daily. |
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MARBLELIFE has used it for several years to assist in our water purification processes for all our MARBLELIFE Cleaners. |
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HVAC companies are installing them to pre-clean air. |
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Personal lamps are available to sterilize a room in 15 minutes with a 33 W unit, or maintain a personal space with an 8W lamp. |
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Refrigerators employ UV bulbs to extend produce life by eradicating mold and bacteria. |
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As a SCIENCE company MARBLELIFE sees the use of UV light as an area of public interest as we all seek to win-the-war-on-corona. We are presently evaluating its uses within our business. We believe that this represents an area of interest for our hotel and office building engineers to take note of as they seek to create a “healthy building” and “green building” environment.
As UV see greater interest we expect TiO2 use to increase as particular grades of TiO2 in the presence of UV light can catalyze the breakdown of air pollutants, so as UV light potentially sanitizes the air of bacteria, mold and virus, TIO2 coatings can be further purifying Air.
Interestingly the benefits of TiO2 were first noted in papers investigating difference in SAR transmission rates between hospitals in China, which noted that hospitals using tiles that incorporated high levels of TiO2 reported lower transmission rates that hospitals without these tiles.
We believe that ultimately the dramatic mobilization of the human race at this time in history has raised awareness to such a level that the changes in personal behavior, adoption of new cleaning processes, changes in floor treatments and adoption of building saniticization technologies will effect a sea change in building health and population health provided we continue to work together in this war-on-corona.